glossier invisible shield review

As someone with extremely fair skin, wearing SPF has been part of my life for as long as I can remember. Which is why I'm always keen to put different ones to the test. Over the years I've shared many SPF reviews. And last year I found what is now my ride or die facial SPF; the Thank You Farmer Sun Project Sun Water Sun Cream SPF 50. But one that has long intrigued me is the Glossier Invisible Shield SPF.

So when Glossier were doing that 50% off the entire site discount code, I finally took the plunge and ordered Invisible Shield, along with a few others bits and pieces.


I've been wearing it every day since it arrived. And I have some thoughts to share.

So what did I think of Glossier's Invisible Shield Daily Sunscreen;

glossier invisible shield spf

The pros

When brands brag about their SPF having zero white cast, I always roll my eyes a little. I am Casper the Friendly Ghost-pale and most SPFs make even me look whiter. So I can only imagine how disparaging this is for people with darker skin tones. Even my beloved Thank You Farmer SPF does take a bit of rubbing in to get rid of the appearance of white lotion. But this is the very first completely clear SPF that I have ever used and I honestly don't get why all facial SPFs aren't clear.

I was so surprised to see how seamlessly this blended onto the skin. From the very first use I was completely won over by the whole idea of using a clear SPF. The gel like texture just melts onto my dry/dehydrated skin and leaves it feeling hydrated and most importantly, protected.

It also doesn't feel greasy or oily or like you're wearing a lot of product on your face either.

The size of it does make it extremely easy to carry about with you for top ups throughout the day. But that size is also one of my main bugbears with it.

The cons

30ml is pretty tiny for a product that you should be applying liberally every single day. I seriously don't understand why Glossier haven't made it available in several different sizes. I would love to see 50ml and 100ml versions available at some point soon. And I wouldn't care about paying that bit more for the size to be bigger.

I also wish that this came in a higher SPF than SPF 30. SPF 50 is usually my preference, given my hair colour and extremely fair skin and most brands typically give you the option of choosing between SPF 30 and SPF 50, which I really appreciate. I know not everyone wants to use SPF 50 but I bet a majority of us would feel more comfortable using a higher factor, particularly as we get older.

Another issue, because the packaging is white and dispersed from a pump applicator, you have no real idea how much you've used/how much you've got left, which is a little frustrating.

glossier invisible shield daily sunscreen spf 30

But I do love the formulation and consistency of this, so much so that I have a feeling I will be repurchasing this time and time again, whilst simultaneously crossing my fingers that they release a bigger size and higher factor.

Invisible Shield SPF is available from Glossier and is priced at £20.

Have you tried the Glossier Invisible Shield SPF yet? Or what is your go-to SPF? And would you like to see me put more SPFs to the test this summer?

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